Tuesday, November 11, 2014


 Our return week in Yelapa is always exciting. Reconnecting with friends, food, and village lifestyle demands a commitment of gargantuan proportions. Allow me to explain via our daily itinerary:

Arrive Puerto Vallarta International Airport @ 2:35 p.m. Clear Immigration, baggage claim, Vet check (for Nikki), Customs then meet our pick-up by 3:15 p.m.  Cash at the ATM, then to Los Muertos Pier to await the water taxi to Yelapa. Arrive Yelapa Town Pier connect with Sipriano to transport our travel bits up the hill to Casa Azul. Extract the barest of necessities and step into Ray's Place for dinner by 6:30 p.m. Within ten minutes the world's best margaritas appear at our table and dinner is ordered. The rest is gastronomic history.

Due to the absence of foodstuffs at home, Diana and I are forced to enjoy breakfast (machaca, huevos rancheros) at The Eclipse. Breakfast absorbs the balance of the morning as we continue to meet/greet friends. A stop at Leticia's Market for groceries and return to Casa Azul to observe the Mexican tradition of the siesta. Arise, shower and head to Tacos y Mas for opening night. The Yelapa Bear, Pahuelas, greets us warmly and margaritas appear. Our eyes focus on the Five Taco Combination Plate. Although the plate is serving platter size, Diana and I (Memo) take no taco prisoners home.

Unpacking continues at a leisurely pace. Another trip for groceries and a stop by The Eclipse for a take-away order of their famous Tortilla Soup. Diana nurses the beginning of a migraine. The balance of the day plays out quietly.

A walk to the Town Falls mid-morning affirms an appreciation of the wonder surrounding us. Diana punctuates the experience with her totally abandoned imitation of a water sprite. (check out the video on my Facebook) More settling in. Dinner at Abuelos Taqueria.  This is NOT your average taco stop. Abuelos is a full service restaurant which takes the humble taco and imposes designer level presence. Margaritas ordered, we settle in to select shrimp, octopus, marlin, crab or a mixed taco or quesadilla; all purveyed on handcrafted blue corn tortillas.

I head for Yelapa Kayak Rentals. Minor cleanup on the platform before yaks can be lowered and scoured clean. A chime announces Diana's incoming call. I am beckoned for lunch; I must obey. Siesta time, shower time and down the hill we trek to Ray's Place. Mixed fajitas for me and a chicken burger for Diana. Three hours evaporate before we open the door to Casa Azul, our home. We are at peace.

Over morning coffee, Diana is immobilized with guilt and declares that we cannot continue defining our lives in Yelapa by mere eating and drinking. The time has come to be productive. My analytical side discerns that we are five days into a six month stay in Yelapa and highlights the concept of whether or not this is a battle worth fighting. My creative/emotional side, in contrast, wants to holler "WTF" and declare that I am perfectly content to eat/drink through the remaining stay afforded by our Tourist Visa (180 days). I turn lovingly to my bride of nearly twenty-five years and respond "yes dear." 

John and Tamara, arrive from Alaska for their first in a series of intermittent one-month stays. They request our company for dinner. Where? Ray's Place, of course! Great drinks, great food, great company.

You know the drill, right? Birria at Ray's Place. It is the first birria to cross Diana's lips in nearly nine months, while my absence totals a mere five months. Our eyes connect and we quietly commence the mantra of "yum."
It was a good week to be a Yelapan.

Adventures with Teo-Aventuras con Teo
Three of the editions (The Lonely Egret-La Garceta Solitaria;  Fun in Yelapa-Diversion en Yelapa; The Pangas-Las Pangas)are available for immediate release on ibooks, NOOK and KINDLE. The second three are available for pre-order with a release date of February 2015. Visit/Like the Yelapa Memo Face Book page for bulletins and promotions. This bi-lingual series of children's books is richly illustrated and sure to be a hit with early readers.

Yelapa Kayak Rentals

Yaks and associated equipment are all tuned up and ready to go. Right equipment, right price, right under the giant fig tree on the Playita, (the small beach).  Contact Memo at 322 146 5064 (local cell). Multiple day discounts are available. Happy Paddling.