Monday, March 25, 2013

The Taco Shop

Last week’s posting addressed the near infinite flexibility and universal appeal of the Mexican tortilla. Perhaps its most noble task is that of efficiently conveying a variety of fish or meat (beef, pork, tongue, chicken), beans, onions, chili peppers, shredded cabbage/lettuce and salsa from the plate into the mouth of the holder. We know this gastronomic delicacy as the “taco.”

With a food so delicious, so portable and so easy to craft, it is no wonder that every village spawns sites where the hungry traveler can acquire just such an item/s.  Yelapa is no different. Any enterprising family is free to host a taqueria (taco shop) by repurposing a vacant patio, an unscreened window or by simply planting one or two plastic tables along the pathway. A small grill sears the meat while a wooden press flattens the disc of fresh maza into the appropriate size; large for quesadillas and regular for tacos. The serving area is populated with all forms of condiments. Lastly, in either small bowls or squeeze bottles reside the various colors, temperatures and flavors of that particular family’s salsas. The client is free to add whatever they choose. The repast is paired with either cold beer, jamaica or agua fresca   (freshly squeezed juice of the: cantaloupe, guanava, mango, watermelon, papaya or pineapple). Plan ahead and only order a quantity which fits on a single plate. Follow-on orders are expected and welcomed.

A taco visit for me (Memo) and Diana typically plays out as follows: Memo-one quesadilla, two tacos, one agua fresca; Diana-something between two and four tacos, one agua fresca. Total bill, less than 100 pesos ($8 USD) Do I have your attention?

Allow me to take you on a taqueria tour of Yelapa:

Senor Taco

Located up the river pathway just behind the restaurants on the main beach.  


Adjacent to the main path after you cross the bridge and start heading back toward village center.


On your right side down the ramp which borders Yuri’s Tienda.


Past Ramona’s on the path between the casino and Isis Laundry.


Travel up the path which leads past Leticia’s Store. Olivia’s is situated across from the billiard hall.


In the center of the village adjacent to the municipal steps.

Note: Hours of operation and nightly specials are posted. This list may be incomplete as new shops open/close each season.

Cultural Note: Do not arrive in Mexico expecting to experience a preformed hard-shelled taco filled with ground meat, crumbled cheese and chopped tomatoes. This item only exists north of the border and is rumored to have been developed by a test kitchen in Des Moines, Iowa. The design flaws associated with this product were vividly demonstrated in the movie The Three Amigos.

The Mexican tortilla is a marvel of ingenuity. Beauty, simplicity and edibility, literally, all wrapped into one. Buen Provecho! Memo

 Commercial Break

Witness the wonder of a sunrise Yelapa Yak Trip. One half kilo of fresh warm tortillas will be supplied to any couple engaged in a half-day rental and launching before 8 a.m. You can’t beat that.

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