Sunday, May 19, 2013

I've been adopted!

Volumes are penned detailing the connection between stress and physical/mental health. When our body experiences stress, our brain, via some synaptic Situation Room, begins preparing for war. The more prolonged the stress, the more extensive the preparations. Once the plans are formulated, war is declared—on yourself!!! Headaches, intestinal discomfort, sleep issues all invite some type/s of substance/s abuse. The picture deteriorates rapidly.
Flying flat into the face of logic (a practice not unknown to me), I go to the office when I am stressed. For those of you unfamiliar with my “office” allow me to create an image. Picture a raised platform roughly ten feet square. Half of the space is occupied by a skeletal rack which supports six kayaks. The other half is open. This is where I position my desk chair (Question: Can there be a desk chair if there is no desk?). The chair and I shift periodically to retain the cover provided via a massive fig tree looming overhead. All senses are drawn to the sea which lies a handful of meters before me.
A few weeks back, during one such therapeutic session, I became aware of two young girls. Their ages are perhaps seven and five. I recognize both of them as village kids. Their hands are stuffed with all variety of treasures in preparation for their adventure at the playita. Unaware of my presence, they climb into a beached panga, intricately arrange their treasures across one of the benches and commence to play out some imaginary scene replete with action and dialogue. A smile creeps across my lips. The older girl glances up and spots me. Instead of recoiling in embarrassment at having been observed, the two simply collect their props and relocate the drama in its entirety to my platform. They are no more concerned with my presence than the frigate birds carving celestial figure eights above me.
Suddenly, they break away and dash to the sea. They frolic and squeal unabashedly as kids are meant to do. They return, shell fragments in tow, and extend their little brown hands in my direction. The younger one states, in Spanish, that these are treasures from the sea and that they will provide memories of my visit to Yelapa. I am warmed by their thoughtfulness, and alert them that I live in Yelapa. They process the information briefly then return to the imaginary drama which earlier occupied them. Time passes, how much is irrelevant; my new friends gather their treasures leaving the shells for me. We bid each other “adios” as they retrace their footsteps and disappear. The smile they gave me lingers.
Since then, the three of us convene frequently. There is always a cheery “hola” which initiates our encounter and the parting “adios” which concludes it. In between are countless words which communicate all experiences since our last meeting. I understand perhaps one fourth of what they say; it is my listening which pleases them, not any oral response. The two shell fragments remain atop my platform. They serve as permanent props awaiting a future episode of “imagining.” My smile is there also, just between the shells.
Sharing is Caring---if you enjoy the blog and would like your friends to know more about you, then click on the “share” button under the picture of me and my kayaks on your FB page. Then all your buddies will receive this too.  
Commercial Break
Summer rates are in effect. Additional discounts are available for extended/multi-day rentals. It’s almost worth it to fly down for the day just to rent my kayaks. Also, for all of you FB addicts, be sure to “Like” Yelapa Visitors FB page so that you can follow current events here in the village. Happy paddling—memo

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