Sunday, August 11, 2013

We Wish you Well!

Filtered sunshine settles down upon the bay and beach of Yelapa. The clouds confine a cool breeze wafting through. Neto’s boat, La Guerra, departed well past an hour ago on its thrice daily traverses to Boca de Tomatlan and then onto Puerto Vallarta. Chachalacas commence their clatter and then allow it to fade. Even the flock of chickens across the path roost in the trees a tad longer. It is Sunday.   One audible exception to this collage of tranquility arises from Shambhala. Natural tones of the morning are joined by the furious chopping and dicing of condiments which complement the birria. It is an interesting addition.

The main event of the week was the departure of our beloved doctor, Marcela. She, like other medical school graduates, spent a year in training/practice of general medicine under the supervision of an experienced practitioner. It was Yelapa’s good fortune to have her placed here. I required her medical attention on two occasions. She energized any room she graced similar to a firefly in absolute darkness. The following is a tribute I posted earlier on my FB:

“This morning the skies opened and wept, as the village of Yelapa began to come to life. This would be our first day following the departure of a beautiful dove, a special angel--Marcela Qzd B. She graced our paths and brought healing and sensitivity to our wonderful clinic for a year. In retrospect, it seems like only a week.

Yelapa has been gifted with fabulous visiting doctors. We are honored that Cesar has chosen to stay. No doubt, our newest edition will bring his own style and contribution to us as well. We welcome him with the warmth and sincerity for which Yelapans are known.

We will miss the little girl whose voice forced smiles onto our faces; whose soft touch brought calm to countless frightened children; and whose infectious personality dove straight into our hearts.

Que le vaya bien, Doctora; que le vaya bien.”

If Mattel Toys, Inc. were to ever create a Mexican Barbie, Marcela would be the template. Piercing brown eyes, jet black hair pulled into a tight bun, a heart as big as the universe and all packaged into the most petite of presentations. You could not help but love her. We all did.

Commercial Break
Kayaks, you want’em, I got’em. Just call 322 146 5064. The rent two get a third free special is still running; but not for long. Happy paddling.

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