Sunday, June 8, 2014

Rains Arrive

My three birria tacos have apparently re-constituted deep within. My otherwise svelte profile now more aptly imitates that of the Happy Buddha. Alas, life is good on a Sunday morning in Yelapa.

It appears that the rains have arrived, albeit a week early. Our village experienced three consecutive nights of significant precipitation. One enterprising soul trenched from the lagoon to the bay the other morning so the two bodies of water now ebb and flow in unison. The rains flush the silt from the mountains into the Tuito River. The river flows through the lagoon and into the bay altering an otherwise emerald green hue into a rich light chocolate brown. I prefer the emerald green.

The crabs which have remained dormant for nearly two years await some subtle celestial signal to emerge from their land caverns. Several of their scouts have already paid the ultimate price of exploration. Their diminutive carcasses adorn intermittent cobble stones along the path. Once the major migration commences, their numbers will increase a thousand fold. I sense this activity is one of seeking a mate versus sprinting into the surf. These are land based buggers. All animals deserve a moment of happiness, right?

This will also be a week of preparation as Nikki and I gather pertinent belongings required for our summer trek to the North. We will leave behind great friends, great food and 80 plus percent humidity. San Diego will welcome us with great family, a nearly one year old grand-daughter, the warm and tender touch of my wife, and four of Nikki’s canine cousins. We’re all good on the first three; Nikki is lukewarm on the last. We’ll make it work. I will continue to post as events unfold which demand reporting with the now famous Memo-twist.

Update-Adventures with Teo

The first three editions, (The Lonely Egret, The Dogs of Apaley, The Church) whose covers appear on the Yellapa Memo Facebook page, are presently in the hands (eyes) of a group of readers for critique and review. Comments are due back to me before the end of the month. My technical advisor, Erin, and I will have a second round of three more editions awaiting them. Once those are released to the readers, I will post cover pages on Yelapa Memo as well. It will be a busy summer. Our goal is to e-publish the first edition, The Lonely Egret, in early November 2014. Be sure to frequently check in on the Yelapa Memo FB page for updates, better yet, click on the "like" and receive notifications as they are posted. 

Yelapa Kayak Rentals

Yaks will remain available for rent through Saturday 06/14/14. Beyond that time, has yet to be determined. I will keep you posted. Happy Paddling! Memo

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