Monday, November 19, 2012

Mexican Food

There are few pleasures in life more gratifying than eating your way through Yelapa. Forget all you have ever eaten under the genre of Mexican Food. Local palate pleasing purveyances grant the diner an unbridled partaking of protected family recipes. The blend of a potent salsa, the nuances of a marinade, and the coalescence of tastes captured by a seasoned grill are all ingredients of everyday meals. It just never stops.

By all means visit and consume the reviewer comments on tripadvisor (link identified below) on all restaurants here in Yelapa.

 However since it is my blog, I elect to intervene with but a few comments on my favorite spots.   

Café Bahia

Located at the base of the town pier, Susan Pasko creates egg dishes for breakfast and healthy sandwiches for lunch. All ingredients are fresh to the point that the herbs and spices were growing in her garden that morning. Produce is treated with Microdyn and only purified water is used.  Her restaurant is a focal point for the local ex-pat community.

Pollo Bollo

Situated on the pathway off the main square which runs out to The Point, this entity is known for its substantial portions. While a major draw with visitors appears to be the Bar-B-Q half chicken, I recommend sampling the local fair. A personal favorite is the mixed fajitas. As is the Yelapa custom, all meats and foul are marinated before grilling. The nuanced flavors complimented with fresh onions, green peppers and tomatoes will linger on your visual and gastronomic palate until you return.


This petite jewel lies nestled above the wall across from the pre-school. The Vasquez family (Ray, Violeta, Alexa) and their assistant extraordinaire, Martina, consistently purvey the greatest meals in Yelapa. Each order is made individually which demands more time but the wait is mitigated by consuming the first bite. Mixed brochettes, bacon wrapped shrimp, arrachera steak and pollo catalina are but a few of the dozen dinner offerings.   With the return of the season, Ray opens for breakfast (coffee, smoothies, and eggs) and lunch (tacos, Martina’s enchiladas, and more) and dinner. This year will see the introduction of several vegetarian offerings. Ray is a master of libation creation and customer service, Violeta, his wife, and Martina support him with food preparation associated with a five star restaurant. If you are famished, try the plate-sized hamburger-seriously. It is the finest I have ever tasted and available in beef, chicken and Portobello mushroom versions. Should your stay overlap a Sunday morning, then a visit to Shambhala for birria/birria tacos is a must. Word of caution--go early (9:30 am) as this is a local ritual. The supply is typically exhausted by 11:30.
El Manguito

Located upriver, across the bridge; a right turn will take you past the elementary school. The restaurant will be on your right.  If you are traveling from Hotel Lagunita just follow your feet up the river path. This restaurant is an institution with visitors. The owners, Luis and Angelica Castillon, offer an extensive menu from fresh fish to traditional enchiladas and chile rellenos. In my opinion, their forte is shrimp offered in mango, coconut, papaya, garlic, or tequila sauce.

Commercial Break

Once you’ve begun to feast your way into, around and through Yelapa, you’ll experience a sudden craving for exercise and the out of doors. The latter can be easily achieved by looking out the window of your rented domicile. The former is achievable via your amigo Memo who will assist you with kayak rentals to cruises around the bay upon your arrival on the Playita. For those of you who are first timers to Yelapa, there’s my ever popular Romantic Sunset Kayak Cruise: this offers that special couple the chance to sit in a kayak on the beach for up to two hours and enjoy a cold beer, chips and salsa. A boom box is available upon request.   

1 comment:

  1. Memo, I agree completely - Shambhala is like coming home - comfort, family, satisfaction all rolled into one.
