Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Having recently returned from nearly a month “al norte,” no doubt my readers are awaiting some profound compare and contrast essay. I must admit that upon my replanting into Yelapan soil, I too saw an opportunity ripe for sarcastic satire and poignant put down. Such will not be the case.

Place A is neither better nor worse than place B. It simply possesses its own litany of descriptors; nothing else. Now here is where the human element intervenes into the equation; I have the discretion to elect which set of descriptors are best suited for me. Both my wife and I, independently, spent decades in the “burbs” of Los Angeles as young, salaried, professionals with families. Our geography was determined by either the merging of the above descriptors or the employment demands of a spouse. Naiveté begat acceptance and complacency.

Two cosmic events unpinned those shackles: 1) the advent of cheap airfares and 2) HGTV’s introduction of weekly episodes of House Hunter’s International. Sprinkle liberally with the benefits of empty-nesting and financial security just around the next corner. The resulting molecular reaction was unstoppable. I must also add that by now Diana and I had found each other (what a difference a spouse makes). Each adventure into some unknown geography, whether domestic or international, gave rise to the question “Could we do this?” We ceased judging a site and sought instead to identify its resident descriptors.

In the past year, we have grown to love Yelapa. The oppressive heat and humidity have subsided; the village is all spruced up, and aromas flood even the tiniest of pedestrian corridors. It is a moment of intense pride for us knowing that we don’t have to go home at the end of the day. We are home   

Continuing reminder: For that enhanced Yelapa experience remember Memo's Kayaks on the Playita. Experience a perspective of the village previously reserved for dolphins, whales, and pangueros. Mention this ad and receive free assistance during launching and return.

1 comment:

  1. Only you, Memo, could find just the right words.
