Sunday, November 24, 2013

Busier Week

Lots happening in Yelapa. All of the restaurants are open. The foot traffic increases daily with various languages, body shapes and shades in abundance. That means there are even more interesting folks here yearning to tell their story, and genuinely curious about yours. Two such people are Peter and Ann who hail from near Bellingham, WA. They are lifelong world travelers whose roots reach across the big pond to the United Kingdom. Yelapa is an annual stop on their itinerary. Diana and I (Memo) were delighted to offer them assistance after a vicious water spirit attacked Ann’s phone, and Peter’s laptop recharger adopted siesta mode. I thought the message was pretty clear----they were not intended to depart tomorrow as originally scheduled.  They will return for wine this afternoon to check email alerting the “fam” that all is well. 

Two dolphins entered our bay yesterday. These were large, grey solitary adult animals that cruised for a half hour or so in search of just the right aquatic morsel.  Additionally, a young manta ray managed to pop up just next to a man on a stand-up paddle board. If the manta’s face mirrored anything close to the expression of the paddler, then each was surprised to see the other. The paddle boarder remained upright while the manta flopped back into the bay.

The wedding virus was in full epidemic swing this week. No less than four ceremonies took place within the past five days. An evening soiree on the main beach last night reached its zenith with the staggered release of perhaps a hundred aerial lanterns. I’m not sure as to their environmental impact but no doubt they were constructed from wild, not processed, rice paper. 

The last event of note was the annual celebration of Revolution Day. This is a national holiday in observance of the Mexican triumph over the dictator, Porfirio Diaz. In the morning, kinder through sixth graders parade across the main beach. The young boys are attired in white shirts, black pants and crisscross paper bandoleros across their chests. The young ladies are adorned in multi-colored skirts (faldas) rhythmically swaying as they proceed. Older children create acrobatic stunts. That evening the middle school and high school students perform folkloric dances while a few brave girls attempt to sing interpretive (that’s being polite) versions of Mexican standards. Homemade food compliments the festivities.

Commercial Break
Chances are if you read the blog, you are also a friend on FB. For those special few who aren’t, here’s what I did this week. A new FB page has been created for Yelapa Kayak Rentals. Check it out, “like” the page; share it with your friends. I will post yak related pics, news, etc. A new email account, has also been established for inquiries, reservations and general chatter specific to kayak rentals. The temps are down, the humidity is dropping and the yaks are good to go. Just waiting on you. See you on the playita; happy paddling---Memo.

P.S. Remember to visit the blog, read it, share it, live it!

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