Friday, November 8, 2013


Word association-- “renewal?” Magazine subscription, pharmacy prescription, auto registration???  Ask a Yelapan the same question and they will tell you about the renewal of the jungle following the summer seasonal rains; the renewal of the returning sea animals as first the tuna, then the manta ray and ultimately the hump backs renew the Bay of Banderas. Lastly, they will identify their physical renewal as temperatures and humidity recede from the nineties bracket and settle comfortably into the seventies. I embrace the latter associations.

Those of you who follow the blog know that November ushers in the high-season. Restaurants fine tune their menus, lodge keepers apply fresh paint on anything that doesn’t move faster than their brush, water taxi drivers raise their rates slightly to offset summer losses and even I (memo) am hard at work spiffing my office on the playita and my kayaks. Arguably, all these are additional forms of renewal.

For those of you recently joining this blog, welcome! Let me suggest that you visit my postings of a year ago as far as packing and travel tips. Many of you will fantasize about a Yelapa visit, some might investigate via Trip Advisor, while a dynamic handful of you might actually undertake the trek. For all of you, a friendly smile awaits you on the playita.

Travel Note
Yelapa is a garden paradise populated with warm and friendly folks. Eye contact and a sincere “hola” will introduce you to anyone. While our village is inviting to all, it must be said that there are a few who should not consider the trip. Allow me to explain. Yelapa is a village of cobblestone paths and hills. The elderly should not be placed at risk either by their use of the water taxi or by their limited endurance. If you are traveling with older parents, please prioritize their safety. Their travel experience is better served by remaining in Puerto Vallarta. Additionally, any one with respiratory, circulatory and/or walking issues should likewise remain in PV. Enough said.

Kayak News
Great news!!! Kayak rental fees are down, due primarily to the stabilization of petrol prices. I know, what does petrol have to do with kayaks, work with me. New rental rates will be $100 pesos/per person/hour. How’s that for simple? My existing fleet consists of four singles and two tandems. Got a bunch of friends? Call me in advance to insure that the equipment you want will be available. My cell # 322 146 5064 or from a US cell it would be 011 52 1 322 146 5064 or ask your innkeeper to contact me directly.  Happy Paddling, memo.

Restaurant News
Ray, Violeta and Alexa, formerly at Shambhala, are opening their own restaurant—Ray’s Place. It will be located on the main path just past the church as you journey towards the bridge. Their superior culinary offerings and hand crafted libations will be available for your enjoyment soon. I’ll keep you all posted.  

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