Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sweet Sunday

Today is Sunday, right? That means birria at Ray’s Place, right? Not wearing a watch or having a calendar in the home can spawn self-doubt. Whew!!! Just returned and it was fabulous as always. Chatted with my buddies, Fernando, Pahuelas and Nacho; received my Sunday hug from Alexa; all this while greeting those who strolled the adjoining pathway. This is my favorite day of the week.

Unlike couples from the North, Mexican men and women rarely dine out together. One might default to the thought that the men are “out” while the women are caring for the children. This is not necessarily the case, as fathers are frequently seen dining with one or more of their children. Groups of men are equally animated, albeit a bit more profane, than their female counterparts. The former tend to shout and laugh loudly, while the latter maintain a medium pitched drone punctuated by the occasional high pitched exclamation. Both groups enjoy themselves only to disband independently.

There was a plethora of pueblo improvement projects in evidence this morning. I tallied no less than three major painting works in process. Two of these involved the white washing of tall, lengthy block walls along the main path, while the third was a complete exterior paint makeover for the water purification plant. Our little village is looking good.

For those of you who chose to use last week’s posting Travel Tips 101/102 as your Yelapa primer, you may be interested to know that I have added a paragraph on Security as well as some comments on traveling with expensive electronic devices. There is one sensitive topic which I have heretofore avoided----geckos. These little lizard-like animals are perfectly harmless and quite beneficial in a dwelling. They are more often than not, nocturnal and feast on the small insects which share your abode. They are extremely territorial. An owner is considered abundantly fortunate if she has one of these as a welcomed tenant in each room. It is entirely possible that you may never be aware of their presence other than to discover a few tiny brown sausages on your counter in the morning. Those of us who live in close proximity to rental lodging in Yelapa are periodically awakened by shrill feminine squeals. Now these are not the squeals which punctuate the peak of satisfaction of an evening to remember. They are instead infused with raw terror. And the cause of this ear-piercing break in the existent tranquility?  The harmless, diminutive gecko. Please, do not seek to catch or remove your tiny guest as their bodies are soft and fragile. Simply allow them to depart on their own. Return your head to the pillow, close your eyes and smile in awareness that nameless neighbors on both sides of you know exactly what just occurred.     

In appreciation
This week I was treated to a tour of Casa de Los Suenos by its proprietress, Jesse Rose Roberts. The property represents the quintessential Yelapa. With a history dating back to the 1960s, the units reflect meticulous caretaking and offer the visitor a uniquely Yelapan experience. The large common area invites new friends to become old ones. Thank you Jesse Rose.

Commercial Break

Right on the price, right under the giant fig tree on the playita (little beach). Best equipment in town, your comfort and security are my only priority. Rates are 100 pesos/ per person/ per hour. Check out and “Like” the dedicated FB page Yelapa Kayak Rentals. Call to check availability, local cell # 322 146 5064 or simply ask your innkeeper to contact me. Happy Paddling--memo  

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