Sunday, December 29, 2013

Best of 2013

Last night was the first in four without rain. The paths are clinical in their appearance. Each cobblestone appears to be tooth brushed clean. Incoming sea swells create a seductive rhythm which flows all the way to the lap, lap, lapping on the beach. Only the odd criss-crossing of a panga alters my tranquility. AND THEN some S-O-B downstairs activates a Tim Allen grade hammer drill and proceeds to set off seismic measuring devices from Puerto Vallarta to Manzanillo. I grab my keys and manage to open the door before flying through it. I scream some sort of apology to Nikki.

Its mid-morning on a Sunday. The workman responsible for the earlier disruption is spied. I politely inquire as to the status on his project. He signals its completion. Aaah, here I am fattened, sassied and ready to write. Let us see where this goes. In light of a mere three calendar days remaining until the commencement of 2014, I can slide this year’s Memo’s Favorite list in just in time. Here we go:

Memo’s Favorites for 2013


Best Yelapa FaceBook information                Yelapa Visitors
Best Water Taxi/Driver                                La Guerra/Neto
Best local attraction                                     Town Waterfall

Best Waterfront Restaurant                          CafĂ© Bahia
Best Taqueria (Monday-Pozole)                Ramona’s                          
Best Riverside Restaurant Experience           El Manguito
Best Restaurant Overall (food/drinks)           Ray’s Place


Best Market (based on price/selection)            Leticia's
Best Excursion Guide (fishing, Marietas, etc.)  MiraMar Excursions
Best Kayak Rental (playita-little beach)        Yelapa Kayak Rentals
Best Electronic Bargain                                 Prepaid Cell-TelCel

While the categories are massaged slightly, last year’s players remain well entrenched. The FaceBook site is new, thanks to Susan Pasko, and offers daily information to the Yelapa traveler as to restaurants and general events. The Best Water Taxi/Driver recognizes the performance of one, among many, superb captains. Ray’s Place is the new location for Ray, Violeta and Alexa formerly at Shambhala; MiraMar Excursions is a name change from Okley Excursions with Fernando Garcia; lastly, Yelapa Kayak Rentals is now the brand of what was Memo’s Kayaks. You’ll figure it out. My selections are purely subjective; I urge the potential Yelapa traveler to visit for more objective assessments. If you have questions, contact me via this blog. All of us wish your visit to be tranquil, stress free and worth repeating with those you love.

I have deliberately not addressed lodging. That decision is based upon a variety of parameters unique to each traveler. Once again, I urge that you visit TripAdvisor. Yelapa offers something for every pocket book. Do your research. At this point, it might be a great idea to also re-visit an earlier blog posting "Travel Tips 101/102.” Pay particular attention to the discussion regarding those with travel limitations.

Commercial Break

This has been a challenging week to yakers in Yelapa. Rains, tidal swings, and intermediate level afternoon swells have persisted. Check with me, Memo, before scheduling your outing. Local cell number 322 146 5064 or ask your innkeeper to give me a call. Happy paddling. memo 

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