Monday, March 24, 2014

Vitamin K (kayak)

Remember the last time you woke up and everything just clicked for the rest of the day, well maybe not, but work with me. This morning began with a thunk of Nikki’s muzzle on the bedside while her tail pounded out some predetermined metronome measure on the adjacent plastic tub. The microwave beamed 7:00 a.m. Breakfast and a walk for N brought us in contact with our favorite fresh juice stand and then up into the jungle. There we met Sra. Knolls Garcia and the lovely Ms Kayden enroute to Puerto Vallarta on business. So far so good. N and I return to a steeping half pot of rich, Mexican coffee and our morning play time. Two cups later, and following an online interlude, I’m ready for the world’s best smoothie: papaya, pineapple, banana, granola, honey, Katy yogurt and chia seeds. The blender kicks into puree squared and the entire casita oscillates. I love it. Two tumblers later, I am sated.

The possibility exists that a couple will meet me at Yelapa Kayak Rentals around 10:00 a.m. I depart Casa Azul, personal paddle in tow, loaded beach chair in hand and down the road I amble. Upon arrival, I set up a single yak, should they not show I’ll be set. A half hour past their time, I launch. The water is crystal clear, lending that “see forever” dynamic. My water friendly camera reclines in the ready across my lap. School after school of six inch blue runners shoot by, solitary puffer fish of all sizes coast calmly. I juggle paddle and camera, frequently confusing the two until at last I am poised with the right instrument submerged to produce the desired effect. Since I am still atop my yak, I have no idea in what direction the camera is pointing. I note the influx of small jelly fish into our little bay. They are intriguing in their simple complexity. I thrust the camera into the water; to point and shoot in two or three second intervals hoping to catch something.

I round the cove on the south side of our bay. Even greater aqueous clarity abounds. I spot a three foot wing-span leopard ray distinguished by its white spots on a brown background. This spectacular creature undulates beneath me. My excitement produces neither camera nor results. I paddle on towards The Point. Swells increase but clarity remains. A school of perhaps one hundred beefy bonita, yellow tails breaking the surface, surround me and then rocket past.

I pivot the yak and return to recreate the paddle pools I crafted earlier. Upon re-entering the previously mentioned cove, I spot the leopard ray, and then a second smaller swimming alongside. This time, I know the drill. Camera thrust into the water, pointed at who knows what, let it be, let it be, please!

It was a perfect day to be a yaker in Yelapa.

You can check out the photo results on Yelapa Kayak Rentals FB page.

Commercial Break

Right equipment, right price, right on the playita (little beach) Contact Memo at 322 146 5064 or or ask your lodging manager for assistance. Happy Paddling.  Memo

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