Saturday, May 10, 2014

Will there be food to eat?

I have spoken to the various cycles in Yelapa. There are cycles with the tides, the moon, the crabs, the various game fish; we even have a few motor cycles although they are really only scooters.

Over the past three weeks the village has re-entered the wind-down cycle. As increased temperatures and elevated humidity cycle in, tourists cycle out. Pale faces uttering English occupy markets, restaurants and paths less frequently. The next thirty days will register even further reductions. One activity which enjoys an uptick is that of construction. Owners scamper to acquire materials and workers to employ before the monsoons arrive mid-June. Yelapa construction mantra: do not get caught with a supply of unused concrete once the rains arrive. Many an owner has scampered at the last moment in search of a tarp to avert his 80 lb. bag of concrete from converting into an 80 lb. block of cement. The process is irreversible.

Never the less, tourism trickles throughout the summer. Surfacing mid-evening after the heat has broken, some venture onto the pathways in search of sustenance. They appear anxious, unsure of where to go or once they arrive, whether it is safe gastronomically to enter. Allow me to be of assistance.

Yes, most of the restaurants do close for the summer. Fortunately, for those of us who remain, there are dining opportunities. Let me back up for just a moment. There are four grocery stores in the central village, one up-river plus one behind the restaurants on the main beach. All of these remain open year round. My suggestion is that you purchase provisions for breakfast and lunch from these establishments. If food storage is not available or an issue, then do what the majority of the world does------shop daily.

An excellent online resource is Yelapa Visitors Face Book page.Dinner out may require some advance planning.

Here are your options as of this writing:
Ray’s Place (next to church)    Tues thru Sun  6-10pm
(plans to be open all summer) Birria Sun        9-11am

CafĂ© Bahia (end of the pier)    Fri thru Wed   9am-1pm
Abuelos (behind the Casino)   Mon thru Fri      6-10pm
    (closing June 25)
Pollo Bollo                       Thurs/Fri thru Mon   6-10pm

El Manguito                             daily

Hotel Lagunita (dining area)  7 days         3 meals/day

Restaurants on the main beach     varied           varied

(If you are a restaurant owner and will be open this summer, please contact me so that I may include your information)

A number of small taquerias flourish in the evening during the summer. These pop up in virtually every nook and cranny in the village. The easiest way to find them is to just follow your nose. Travelers; here’s a heads up. These establishments are generally part of someone’s home, a patio, a deck or spare room. They will not be lavishly appointed. Move past your cultural snobbery and enjoy real Mexican home-made food. Remember to ask what kind of “agua fresca” (fresh juice) they are offering. If you have never tried agua de jamaica (hibiscus), then you are in for a treat. It is the perfect non-alcoholic thirst quenching beverage on a summer night. Trust me on this!
Adventures with Teo—Update

Allow me to introduce the fourth member of the Teo Team: Alfredo Reyes our translator. He is completing his Student Teaching assignment in Deming, New Mexico. He will be graduated from Western New Mexico University, School of Education this Friday. His availability and assistance, despite this unbelievably busy time in his professional/academic life has been astounding. I am deeply indebted and wish him the best on his new journey as an educator. Now, check out the dedicated FB page, Yelapa Memo, for updates and features.

Commercial Break

With the mid-day heat becoming intense, a morning trek is always a good bet. Yelapa Kayak Rentals right equipment, right price, right on the playita (little beach) under the giant fig tree. Call Memo to check availability 322 146 5064 (Yelapa cell) or or ask you lodging manager for assistance. Happy Paddling.  memo

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for that info, Bill!!! I wondered how I was going to survive food-wise. May have to learn how to cook! Hope to meet you in June. Cindy Skeie
