Monday, May 5, 2014

Happy Days Are Here Again!

Recall the repeated scene in John Huston’s classic film The Night of the Iguana, where the pathetic group of church women travels through Mexico on a dilapidated bus? Their totally delusional leader frequently cajoles the group into iterations of the above captioned song. The women sing against the backdrop of oppressive heat, sweat and grit plus the deafening mechanical groan of a vehicle near death. The juxtaposition is brilliant.

In Yelapa, we have two reasons to offer our voices in support of Huston’s traumatized travelers. Initially, yesterday at somewhere around 2:00 p.m. (CST) the “feels like” temperature crossed into the 90s F. In order to scale that seasonal milestone, the ambient humidity had to hit 70%. Temps throughout the balance of this week are expected to nudge further northward (up) by another degree or two. At slight variance with the expression of being able to fry an egg on the sidewalk, here in Yelapa you could boil one. Ok, so that is a bit dramatic. Summer has arrived/landed/befallen/burst forth; pick one. It will remain firmly ensconced until late October, punctuated by periodic deluges of rain beginning mid-June. During this same span, the jungle erupts into countless shades of green, the crabs may migrate, game fish of all nature enter Banderas Bay and streams, creeks and rivers flow with absolute majesty.

Our second cause for discomfort (that’s code for pain) arises from a nine day celebration of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Now, despite my religious affiliation as agnostic, I respect the spiritual displays of others. However, this particular “display” presents challenges. Each morning around 5 a.m. three or more M80s are detonated. Each evening around 6:30 p.m. the same artillery is re-deployed only in much greater numbers. Every six legged, four legged or no legged creature responds with blood reddened eyes, a panic-stricken demeanor and burrows deep within the ground. For a house dog like Nikki, she simply disappears under the bed for the duration. She and I will count the days together, we have no calendar, so passage of time will be measured by the morning incidence of booming.

Virtually all cultures employ some form of fireworks to punctuate their festivals. These observances last a day or two or three. Perhaps during the upcoming Vatican Council, the bishops might discuss the reality that virgins in today’s world just don’t last as long as they used to. Hence, the shortening of said celebrations in their honor might warrant re-evaluation. Just a thought.    

Adventures with Teo-update!

A new Face Book page has been established under the name of Yelapa Memo. Many of you have already visited, thank you. As mentioned in an earlier post, the page will be dedicated to my writings not only on the blog but the continuing development of the Teo series. I have posted a sample of the art work which enriches each edition. The obvious place to begin was with the image of Teo. Visit the page, "like" the page, click on the "get notifications" drop down and open your electronic door to the great children’s literature to follow.

Commercial Break

The sand is back. The water is a cool.  And every morning more yakers experience the bay. Yelapa Kayak Rentals right equipment, right price, right on the playita (little beach) under the giant fig tree. Call Memo to schedule your trek: 322 146 5064 (Yelapa cell) or ask you lodging manager for assistance. Happy Paddling.  memo

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