Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Will you be my friend?

Every so often I obsess about analyzing a long list of facts or figures. Perhaps it is some hemoglobin globule which courses within my body; some molecular remnant of a two and a half decade career in finance. I have no idea. I can state that this statistical steroid kicked in a few days ago. For some time, I have incubated several questions regarding the demographics of my Face Book “friends.” Three hours after experiencing this relapse, I had a spreadsheet before me begging for analysis. Fast forward yet another hour, and a blog posting was germinating.

Life in Yelapa is uncomplicated for the most part. The village enjoys electrical power and phone service. Cell connections in  the majority of spots are good, and high-speed (???) internet is available through TelMex. We, like our more material big city cousins, draw on all the same means to “stay in touch.” This bird walking brings me back to my good friend Mark Zuckerman and his creation, Facebook.

I have held a Facebook presence since 2008. During that time, I accumulated seventy-three friends ranging in age from thirteen to ninety, a span of nearly four generations. It is this very range which fostered my curiosity as to whether the different ages accumulated friends in differing numbers. The table which follows summarizes my data. There were a few findings which surprised me: 1) how even my number of friends was across the ages from 20 to 60. Not surprisingly, the greatest concentration of friends is my own age. 2) once you exclude the extremes, virtually all age groups exhibit similar numbers of friends. There is a spike in the 40-50 range requiring a second look at the group’s make up. 3) I have less than half as many friends as my peers. (some of you are not surprised) and most importantly, 4) IF everyone of my friends shared the Yelapa Memo Blog with everyone of their friends, than more then twenty thousand people would benefit from receiving my posts. Now that would be impressive.
Adventures with Teo-Update

Allow me to introduce the group’s technical advisor. Her name is Erin Sorenson. She is an absolute master (mistress) at commanding her Macbook Air to whirl. Erin’s responsibility is to artistically blend text, illustrations, transitions, create covers, merge book lists and all other sorts of bits into a workable manuscript. She manages to craft each edition into a stunning piece of art. We are fortunate to have her as part of the Teo Group. She is presently returning to her native Chicago, so I have granted her the balance of the week off. Saturday morning we re-convene.  
I am considering setting up a separate FaceBook page for the Adventures with Teo. Along with project updates, the page would feature the actual book covers once the manuscript is complete, perhaps even a preview. Information regarding release dates, pre-orders and future editions would also be available. I would appreciate your feedback. Thank you.

Commercial Break

Yelapa Kayak Rentals right equipment, right price, right on the playita (little beach) under the giant fig tree. Call Memo to check availability 322 146 5064 (Yelapa cell), yelapakayakrentals@gmail.com or ask you lodging manager for assistance. Happy Paddling.  memo

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