Saturday, April 26, 2014

Bring out your dead!

Casa Azul occupies the fourth floor of a large concrete block building. The remaining three levels house a clan of the largest family in Yelapa. On any given day, there is never a shortage of great-grandparents, grandparents, sons, daughters and a plethora, or two, of grandchildren. None of the later has the remotest concept regarding noise creation, sustaination, avoidation or abatation (work with me). Wrought iron doors are flung shut at warp speed two dozen times per day. Children in steel toed combat caliber flip flops run free-range within the building’s cuddling confines. Lastly, a trio of vociferous canines serenades the populace 24/7. It is a cacophony of auditory dissonance. Intermittently, I have discretely introduced the concept that “less is better.” We actually seemed to be making progress.

Today, “the family” took it to a whole new level. Suddenly, a tempest of teenagers burst out of the street level residence. Each was armed with a drum, cow bell, tambourine, or cow horn. As if individually liberated by their exodus, they spontaneously broke into unbridled creativity with their musical devices. The reality for those of us within a hundred meters in either direction is that the collective dissonance emitted was tantamount to playing a Miles Davis compact disc in reverse.

Upon further research, I determined that this roaming band of musicians (???) was actually touring the village offering their talents (???) to extricate negative spirits from households during Holy Week. For some sliding fee based upon square footage and possible number of hiding places for spirits, this group would enter your domicile drums ra-ta-ta-ting, cow bells clunking, tambourines tinkling, and one cow’s horn blowing. The resulting melodious (???) mayhem was capable of turning concrete grout into dust within thirty seconds.  Just in passing, they re-extricated the domicile below a total of three times.

Adventures with Teo

The Teo Team is in place with tasks assigned and deadlines established. A few of the editions are expected to be in proof form by the end of this month, April. Six multi-talented readers await the opportunity to review/critique the manuscripts. We are on schedule. I would like to introduce one of the team. Our illustrator is Dianne Risdon, yes, she is my wife. She possesses a degree in art, is a master quilter, a self-taught spinner/weaver, a painter, a fiber artist; a true Renaissance woman. Her illustrations are the heart of the Teo series. Other team members will be introduced in future posts.

Commercial Break

The seas have settled but the sand has not. Yelapa Kayak Rentals right equipment, right price, right on the playita (little beach) under the giant fig tree. Call Memo to check availability 322 146 5064 (Yelapa cell), or ask you lodging manager for assistance. Happy Paddling.  memo

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