Sunday, April 13, 2014


It seems mind boggling (or is it blogging?) that roughly one and a half years ago to this day Yelapa Memo, the blog, was created. The focus remains to share the outwardly unrelated anecdotes of village life. Since that October morn long ago, eighty-one postings have garnered nearly 6500 visits from more than a dozen countries. I am humbled and appreciative. To the eighty-five of you who read the first posting “Viva” and have continued with me, your charter blogger cards should be appearing in your email boxes shortly. These may be utilized on the playita (little beach) to guarantee priority launch status at Yelapa Kayak Rentals in the event that there should be a double booking. Perseverance pays.

Further reflection alerts me that I am mid-point in a five year rental agreement. The twelve by four foot bay view which dominates our living room is no less hypnotic today than it was the first time we entered. Hours are lost peering through this giant screen saver as something slowly approaches while another something slowly departs. It is a window of reflection.

Even further reflection reminds me that I am one renewal away from achieving permanent resident (not citizenship) status in Mexico. It is ironic that I carry a green card issued by the Mexican government. Americans are welcomed to reside, albeit there are legal requirements, in Mexico. Mexicans are unwelcomed to reside in the United States. (Unless you are Philipe Calderon, former president, who purchased billions of dollars in US military hardware and was effectively given political asylum to avoid certain death.) Moving on.

Request for Information

In a not too distant blog posting I will discuss opportunities to contribute time/material/money to deserving Yelapa community organizations. If you are involved in such a project, or looking to begin one, please contact me at I would appreciate information regarding your activity’s goals, needs, population served, sustainability, background of key person/people, who benefits ultimately, etc. These are all points which would be addressed in the cover letter of a grant application. This request for information will remain open until mid-May when I will summarize and feature the various activities. Jump on this opportunity.

Allow me to be the first to remind you that Christmas is just around the corner. Question: How do you live on a round sphere and then say such things as something is “just around the corner?” Answer: Gee, I never thought of it that way. For those of you who are the proud/accidental parents of young children, for those of you who know someone with young children, for the grandparents who want their grandchild/dren to have every opportunity, aunts and uncles, neighbors, teachers and my personal favorite---Youth Librarians have I got just the deal for you. I am currently in the throes of e-publishing a series of children’s (ages 3-7) books based on a young boy’s daily adventures here in Yelapa. Each adventure is twelve pages long. Each page is filled with a colorized picture of the action discussed. The books are written in a dual-language format, English and Spanish. This will be available by November just in time for online shopping for Christmas ‘14. The series is called The Adventures of Teo. Future blog posts will devote a small thread of updated information to this project. Stay tuned.

Commercial Break

The seas have been fickle of late. Yelapa Kayak Rentals right equipment, right price, right on the playita (little beach) under the giant fig tree. Call Memo to check availability 322 146 5064 (Yelapa cell) or ask your lodging manager for assistance. Happy Paddling.  Memo

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