Monday, February 2, 2015

Waxing Poetic

Rains presented last evening to linger through current mid-day.

Birds remain universally undisturbed. Pelicans attack the water's surface following any hint of fish presence below. Vultures, in pairs, occupy palm branches and perform exhaustive preening, which drier conditions preclude. Only the Great Frigate Birds are absent.

Rio Tuito re-deploys sand from banks constantly redefined. Current courses bank-to-bank ferrying fallen coconuts like countless bobbing heads; then melds with the bay in a final fit of turbulence. Coffee colored fluid flushes forward to re-image an otherwise emerald body.

Cobblestones embedded in village pathways revert to earlier grandeur as river rock.

Clouds attack and withdraw on Frostian cat paws across ridgelines near and far.

A lone luxury yacht resides beyond my window. The occupants stare landward as local eyes stare seaward in return.

Stress imposed by a morning commute; appointments requiring re-schedule, errands unable to complete; all of these issues for most Yelapans are non-events. If you need to venture outside, one simply expands the uniform: (T-shirt; board shorts, baseball cap) to include a large, customized garbage bag.

It's a great day to be a Yelapan---indoors.  

Adventures with Teo/Aventuras con Teo

All editions are available on the following sites: Amazon, Ibooks and Nook. All you need to do is enter "yelapa memo" into the search box and you will be wafted away to my library of opportunity. Several of you, thank you very much, have acquired entire sets. What a fabulous idea. Give the gift of great literature to a child, regardless of age. Be sure to check my Facebook page (Yelapa Memo) frequently as to news about this series. Enjoy-Yelapa Memo

Yelapa Kayak Rentals

Right equipment, right price and right on the Playita (little beach) under the giant fig tree. Call 322 146 5064 (local cell) or ask your lodging manager for assistance. Happy paddling.

New Item

Check out my Face Book page, Yelapa Memo, for pictures of the items referenced in today's blog.

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