Monday, October 15, 2012


Over the next few weeks, I will be setting up this blog (Yelapa Memo) with the expressed intent of bringing to the periodic visitor, the want-to-be visitor, as well as the couple who knows somebody who has a hair dresser that read an article in Sunset Magazine about Yelapa, the everyday joys and tribulations of life here in our peaceful Mexican village. At the request of several good, as well as many yet to become friends, this forum will provide a somewhat central source for all happenings Yelapan. Be forewarned that anecdotes will be told as seen through my eyes and with ample, if not substantial amounts of tongue-in-cheek applied.

If you are in search of specifics regarding lodging, dining, water taxi schedules or weather; there are already numerous sites available. I encourage all of you to visit to read the comments of others in the areas of activities, lodging, hotels and restaurants. Yelapa is somewhat like taking a cruise; you can do as much or as little as you please and no one, at least none of us locals, will nudge you to do more. Plus, you only have to be on a boat forty minutes one way from Puerto Vallarta or Boca de Tomatlan and you're here.

October finds our village of twelve hundred inhabitants abuzz with behind the scene activities. Lodging entrepreneurs are returning from their stateside or Canadian summer haunts to paint, plaster, buff and shine anything and everything that doesn't move. That has been known to include, on occasion, several local dogs. Restaurateurs are re-scouring kitchens and patio dining sites in anticipation of opening night. Water Taxi schedules will all take on a new and expanded presence by the end of the month. We are busy people. Come on, did you think that paradise just happened?

One word, actually several words, about local etiquette. If you were a reasonable, mature, intelligent human being when you boarded your flight to come here, please remain that way once you arrive. Dress in our village is casual. A pair of shorts, a t-shirt, and sandals will have you welcomed anywhere. Enjoy your libations either in the numerous great restaurants or in your room. Our cobblestone streets and the hills they traverse are not user- friendly to those who  abandon control of their balance. Bear in mind there are no public services in Yelapa. There is no public trash pick up nor street cleaning. All this is addressed by proud locals who attend to the street in front of their homes. We all live in this fragile environment as guests. Thank you! 

More later-I have a siesta in my near future.

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