Monday, December 10, 2012

Yelapa Health Care

Those who travel look forward to visiting new spots, experiencing new people and consuming unknown delicacies. We never consider what to do in the advent of a medical issue or emergency. If you are planted in a high-rise hotel in a major city, then you call the front desk, they call the ambulance and the scene evolves from there. However, what if you are located in a remote village sixty minutes by water taxi from Puerto Vallarta? Oops, I forgot the part about the challenges of a foreign language.

Those of you who undertake (unfortunate choice of words) endless investigation before selecting a destination are aware that Puerto Vallarta is home to four high quality medical facilities. Diana and I (Memo) have experienced appointments in three of these hospitals. We found each to be spotless, staff courteous and well versed in English and the surrounding facilities to be nothing short of what you expect from a four/five star hotel. For those of you who may not be aware, Puerto Vallarta now offers a vast array of medical services (cosmetic, dental, major surgery etc.) under the label of “Medical Tourism.” For a city with roughly 200k inhabitants, that’s pretty impressive.

Ok, so if you become ill, scrape your foot, or the guy forgets his vacation “meds” and you’re spending time in PV, you’re covered. What happens if you’re staying in Yelapa for five days and you experience some medical need? Here’s what you can expect. Yelapa is home to a beautiful, well-staffed (two doctors and a nurse) clinic. This link features several photos as well as a brief video of the clinic: 

Two visiting American friends of mine have experienced non-major medical issues here in Yelapa. They sought assistance through the clinic. Their needs were met efficiently and professionally and NO CHARGES were assessed, including, in one instance, the administration of a tetanus shot. In each case, the individuals elected to make a contribution equal to what an out of pocket office call would cost in the states. Were a major medical situation to arise, the clinic will extend care to stabilize the patient who will then be transported to Puerto Vallarta. There is a designated emergency panga identified for such situations. We daily pass and greet our local doctors by their first names. They are a valued and honored part of our community.

A word about scorpions; we do live in the jungle. Although we typically think of this insect’s habitat as the desert, it does live here. It is non-aggressive and prefers to camp in dark and damp surroundings. However, if cornered and provoked, it will defend itself; remember it’s the back end not the front that you need to watch.  Every morning shake out your shoes, clothing, backpacks, or anything else which might afford overnight lodging. As part of the communal health plan, someone in each of the four colonies of Yelapa has been identified and trained to administer an anti-venom injection 24/7.

Plan ahead, be prepared, an ounce of prevention—pound of cure or any other pneumonic which reminds you to travel intelligently. You select a vacation site so that you can rest, relax, eat, drink and enjoy. Just remember to continue with the “think” part also.

Commercial Break          

Every day dolphins cruise the bay to harass the resident tuna. Every day the tuna cruise the bay and eat the blue runners. Every day the blue runners swim by and idly watch their numbers diminish. Question: What does this have to do with renting a kayak?  Answer: When you’re in a kayak you can place yourself directly into this entire food chain and still return home safely for lunch. Call Memo, he’s your man!

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