Monday, February 10, 2014

Kayak vs Horse

In Yelapa, both kayaks and horses transport people and the occasional limited quantity of goods. However, as the operator of Yelapa Kayak Rentals, it is abundantly clear to me that kayaks offer substantial advantages over their four-footed competitors. Here are but a few:

1.    Kayaks require limited storage, can be stacked on top of each other and carried on top of your car.

2.   You need not care (medically) nor feed nor clean up after a kayak.

3.   While kayaking, you are not required to follow the person in front of you. This enhances your view from a hairy butt with a tail, to the surrounding landscape.

4.   Kayaks do not stop to take a dump or emit vaporous clouds of lung collapsing gas.

5.   Kayaks do not need to be chased, bridled and saddled before mounting. 

6.   No specialty clothing is required. As a matter of fact, minimal clothing is appreciated.

7.   When you return to the starting point with a kayak, it does not suddenly bolt for the beach.

8.   After kayaking, no one will ever tell you that you smell like a horse.

9.   While it is possible to fall out of a kayak, it will never bite nor buck you. 

    The list is straight forward. Rarely has an argument been laid out more coherently or cogently. 
Commercial Break
Those of you wishing to experience these advantages first-hand need do nothing more than contact Memo @ 322 146 5064 (Yelapa cell) or email at Right equipment, right price and right on the playita. Happy paddling, memo

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