Thursday, February 27, 2014


I am approaching the mid-point of my third year in Yelapa. I willingly adopt most rituals and rhythms. There are a few, however, which continue to befuddle me. Allow me to share one. Each morning with coffee in hand, I scan our little bay. I observe a handful of workers in front of the various beach restaurants all engaged in an identical activity. The event is choreographed with Esther Williams like synchronicity. It is the morning raking of the sand.

Point one in my confusion arises from the issue that the high tides which cycle through during the night, typically level the sand and impart a moist, mirror appearance. This polished state is then altered by professional rakers who etch half-inch deep parallel lines across their assigned frontage. This quasi-meditation garden effect lingers pending the arrival of the first humine or canine who blindly violate the artwork as they pass.   

Point two in my confusion arises from an issue related to the raking. For lack of a better label, I will call it the act of burying the debris. Back to the tides, in addition to the action identified above, several rows of dark organic material will also be deposited the width of the main beach. Each raker meticulously creates small piles of this debris. A shovel is required to carve out the appropriate sized receptacle to hide the material in question. These receptacles are installed ten feet from the existing water line. Now here is the part which puzzles me. High tides will cast the water a minimum of fifteen feet up onto the beach. That means that the contents of each of these receptacles will be opened, returned to the sea and recast upon the shore. This all occurs within the ensuing twelve hours, always has-always will.

The next morning, you guessed it, the Yelapa Olympic Raking Team returns to further hone their talents. It is a puzzlement!

Yelapa Kayak Rentals

Hourly, daily, and weekly rates available. There is also used equipment for sale. Right equipment, right price, right on the playita (little beach) under the giant fig tree. Contact Memo @ 322 146 5064 or Happy Paddling!!!

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