Tuesday, January 28, 2014

To and Fro

When friends return to Yelapa, it is almost as exciting as when I return as well. In the past three days, both occurred. On Sunday morning, I departed San Diego headed back to our Casa Azul. By 5 p.m. local time, I passed through the door, embraced Nikki our English Shepherd and considered which sumptuous dinner to devour at Ray’s Place. 

Today, Tuesday, three of our friends are returning to Yelapa for a month. All have rental properties here so Yelapa serves as their getaway, a mental and physical haven for much needed R & R. Allow me to elaborate: two of this group, a couple who reside in Fairbanks, Alaska; departed Yelapa early this past December. Since that time, they have enjoyed snow and wind which combined frequently to drive temperatures into the -30s (F). As they both embrace their chronological autumns, such experiences, I am told, become less and less attractive. Chloe, a white scottie, who runs the risk of vanishing into a drift until the spring thaw, enjoys a daily romp on the beach and revels in the contrast her coat brings to the local environment.

The third returnee, climbed on a plane today at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, morning temperature -21 (F) and should have Yelapa sand in her toes this afternoon. The Mid-West, and Chicago in particular, has experienced brutal cold fronts which drove temperatures to nearly -40 (F). Yet another moves in as we speak. She will make her way fifteen minutes up river, to a home she has lovingly appointed and leave the door open to permit the most recent brood of chicks to pay their respects.

For the next thirty days, we will meet, greet, eat, drink and kayak. Each individual will carve out niches of time to perform required packets of work. The balance will be devoted to spontaneity. It is hoped that our foursome will expand to a fivesome with the return for a few weeks of my wife. Her full time duties as Nanny-Granny will be passed temporarily to an experienced sister. When that occurs, my life will be better. Once she arrives, the resident four will rehash the same stories already conveyed, return to the same restaurants already visited and sip our way through the same libations we know so well. We Yelapans are a contented bunch.

Commercial Break
Our little bay continues to experience rather angry seas. It is that time of the year, but this has existed since early December. My good friend, Mr. Sand, appears one day only to disappear the following day. If you are interested in going out, give me a call at 322 146 5064 (Mexican cell phone) so that we can discuss conditions. Happy paddling---Memo

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